Wednesday, May 13, 2009



There is light in the world today
making its way into
spilling over onto
invading the space of
the heart I know is in me

And I am afraid
timid of the
sickened by the
inching toward the
sunlight I know will awaken

Inappropriate, laborious
tears that disassemble
tears that recreate
the heart I know is in me


The worst is when I'm being awkward and
I. Can't. Stop. It.
Or when the silence is mine to fill, but I come up empty-handed.
Or when I break down, down, down
And pull out a smile on command
(It's necessary).
The worst is feeling so much feeling
The best is feeling so much feeling.
Sleeping, playing dead keeps me stable
(It's necessary).

1 comment:

  1. my sentiments the beginning of untitled. thank you for speaking them!
