Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Alive/The Last Word


It is morning, and I am awake. The sun is making its upward journery, and I am alive. The world is moving, working, stretching, breathing, and I am a part of that world. To be still and remember these small wonders...to do nothing but contemplate and rest in a moment, in a single thought...is to be very much alive.

Oh, how hard it is to be this alive! My mind fights to live inside yesterday, tomorrow, to live anywhere but Now. To exist in a nonexistent place. I must wrestle it back and let it rest Here. It is morning and I am awake. Alive.

The Last Word

I am afraid of my memories losing their clarity, their proximity. I am afraid of losing my chances of feeling "at home". I am afraid of getting to the end and being disappointed. I am afraid of changing, as I strive for change with each breath. I am afraid of losing my already slippery grip on...well, what is it I think I have a grip on?

Maybe I need to learn that life is about losing, swaying, dangling, questioning, transforming...all those words that have no ending. Maybe I'm afraid of never having the last word, the answers.

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